

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Surprisingly no hungry today

I managed to eat a sandwich for lunch and sone cheesy pasta for dinner today. I am so proud of myself for this great achievement :) if I continue like this in a month I should weigh 110 pounds which is 50kg so I have a month to lose 5kg hopefully I can do it. I have no idea why I'm not hungry today but I'm so excited!
Anywhoo the thinspo on my phone is really thinspiring so i recommend you all to get thinspo somewhere you look everyday. I'm off to sleep now so goodnight stay bright xx

Monday, 23 May 2011

So happy

I'm so happy I got this iPhone, I can upload thinspo pics on my phone with no one knowing.
I can post when I'm out and about which is good so expect more posts from me :)
I've been doing good so far and I just wanna tell all you guys keep going, if your under 120 then don't keep going but don't let food destroy your body
, If you want it to change. Make ot change
This is the easy as well as hard option, easy because all you have to do is little to no food at all an the hard part is cravings ;( water water water!


Friday, 20 May 2011

The rapture? more like the end of my sadness.

so i got an iPhone yesterday for FREE! (don't ask why, long story)

I'm downloading iTunes and i have noticed it takes HOURS AND DAYS to download this dam thing! its ever so annoying! i really just wanna start downloading apps and shizz and get music on it but nooo, itunes has to be a slow bitch!
sorry frr the rant.
lets talk about what has been on all or minds, well on my mind.

                                            The Rapture

me being a christian myself i can tell you its all a bunch of bull, some Christians are just so religious! and think they can predict things that isn't even supposed to be predicted by us, like the end of the world. only God knows, its written clearly in the bible that not even Jesus knows when the time will come. so how can some 40 year old, skinhead old dude tell us he knows!
I'll stop now since most of you are probably not christian so theres no point in me talking about this x) but i like ranting.

it was non uniform today and i looked nice, so did other people, but all the attention was on my friend who's little big bum was 'enhanced' in her leggings and she also wore hazel contacts so everyone ( a lot of boys) were on that!

on me now. I've done well. only lunch and sipping water throughout the day. on Monday I'm starting some exercise, even though i hate exercises it will make me lose the weight quicker. so yeahh. thanks for reading. love you all! xxx

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

I.. Must..Not..Eat

912 so far. that baguette in the kitchen is screaming my name, but with 150 calories. i can't take the risk. i need to keep occupied. i don't know if i can do this :S

here's something I've been using since today, this workout burns 280 calories, unfo i can't do it right now cause i got visitors. hope you guys can do this with me :)

 workout plan

time (min.)    what to do             RPE * (1-10)

  0-2        march in place                 3
  2-4        jumping jacks                  4
  4-5        speed skater                 5-6
  5-7        jump rope                      7
  7-8        crunches                       5
  8-9        jump rope                      7
9-14        repeat minutes 4-9           5-7
14-15        squats                         5
15-17        jump rope                      7
17-18        push-ups                       5
18-20        jump rope                      7
20-26        repeat minutes 14-20         5-7
26-28        jumping jacks                  4
28-30        march in place                 3

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Good and bad.

I've been doing good and bad, I've noticed that I've lost a bit of weight, just the tiniest bit. i can see it in my thighs which i hate the most. but I've not really been having 1 meal a day which i really hope to get one day. at least I've lost weight. food will not take over my life.

but i need advice- I'm not used to fasting and restricting so if you're a pro at this please tell me, when you first start fasting or restricting and you get hungry, what can you do so that, that hunger fades, cause when i am hungry i go really hungry and i really wanna know how to suffice it in the beginning of a fast. thanks guys :)

tomorrow i will attempt one meal only. please encourage me ;) thanks xxxxx

ps, ive checked this for spelling mistakes and the amount of times i've said I've! LOOOL

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Been slacking..

But back to business today

691 is my total, the sandwich i had at lunch was 439, 439!!!

I think he likes me, but he likes his girlfriend also. shall i just pretend he doesn't have one instead of complicating things?

stay strong x

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

What is going on with me!

these few days food has been the last of my worries, normally if I'm feeling peckish i just eat loads but these days I'm not hungry even though i haven't even properly tried to fast. today at lunch at school i halved my sandwich and all my friends were surprised cause normally I'd eat it all! wow. I'm so happy, I'm just going to have my last meal which is two bacon sandwiches and then that's 688 calories today :)
very proud!